The CFK Course For Commonweal
Surviving & thriving during treatment & beyond
A comprehensive course including detailed information and delicious recipes, along with culinary skills and techniques that will support a nourishing experience during treatment and recovery. A companion to my best-selling book The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen (CFK), the course distills down the very best of what I’ve learned and created in my over 15 years working with people with cancer and their caregivers. This is the path I’ve traversed with numerous people coping with the journey of cancer, and now I can walk it with you.
"I'll be right there with you in the kitchen, showing you how to successfully nourish yourself during treatment and beyond. You can do it! And not just survive, but thrive!"
Scroll down to preview some of the course content.
Course Curriculum
StartDr. Donald Abrams - Why Organic? (0:41)
StartThe Cancer-Fighting Pantry (1:07)
StartHerbs & Spices (6:26)
StartShopping for Produce (3:53)
StartShopping for Animal Proteins (2:10)
StartNutrient-Dense Fats (5:42)
StartOther Pantry Staples (3:09)
StartWhat is Kombu? (2:08)
StartWhat is Kudzu? (1:07)
StartHandouts: Cancer-Fighting Pantry Shopping List, Guide & Resources
Your Instructor

A nationally recognized educator and author, Rebecca Katz has worked for over 15 years with cancer patients, health professionals, clinics and hospital-centered programs, teaching the importance of food and flavor in cancer healing and prevention.
Rebecca has a Masters of Science degree in Health and Nutrition Education, and received her culinary training from New York’s Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts. She is the founder of the Healing Kitchens Institute and has been a visiting chef and nutrition educator at the Commonweal Cancer Help Program in Bolinas, California for more than a decade.
She is the author of the award-winning cookbook, The Cancer Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing Big Flavor Recipes for Cancer and Treatment and Beyond as well as One Bite at a Time: Nourishing Recipes for Cancer Survivors and Their Friends. Her most recent titles are The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the 16 Top Age-busting Power Foods (2013), The Healthy Mind Cookbook (2015) and Clean Soups: Simple, Nourishing Recipes for Health and Vitality (September 6, 2016).
Rebecca Katz is an accomplished chef, educator and author who has worked with the country’s top wellness leaders. She is the author of Clean Soups, the award-winning The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen, The Longevity Kitchen, and The Healthy Mind Cookbook.
She lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her husband and two loyal kitchen dogs, Lola and Blossom. She can most often be found making soup.